Programme 11: They're shoes but not as we know them ~ Creating new typologies with Marloes Ten Bhomer.
It really was very exciting to talk to Marloes about her footwear designs, methods of working, her inspirations and influences.
It has left me wanting to know more! I think it will be very interesting to see what the reaction will be once this shoe (pictured above, and discussed in the programme, which is going to be manufactured) goes into the shops.
Having looked at the designs and concept behind United Nude, the design company Marloes is collaborating with, I think they will do justice to what I feel is an important step (!) forward for footwear design.
As she says herself, "By introducing forms, a wide variety of materials, ways of construction to my work, that are unfamilar to shoe-design, the traditional meaning of shoes and the preconceptions we have about them are broken down."
Marloes has designed and made shoes using everything from carbon fibre, to a leather mache (a bit like p
apier mache) sho
e called Bluemacheshoe, which are both pictured here.

I can't wait to see Marloes does next!
Please see the links section for Marloes's web site and United Nude's web site.
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