Below you can see my trusty old New Rock boots, which lace through a hole in the middle of the metal heel and have survived 2 (yes-1997 and 1998) wet and very muddy Glastonbury festivals! Also below are my wosh trainers with the gold wedge heel, the black and white brothel creepers I got from Shelleys for a fiver but are very stiff and therefore very uncomfortable. In the foreground are my Red or Dead suede shoes that I got in 1990 and wore when I saw the Cocteau Twins play at the Town and Country Club in Kentish Town.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
I have now received my crocs from the lovely people at Crocshop and they are VERY comfortable, colourful and cool (and YELLOW!). Please see the links scetion for the Crocshop website. I mentioned Crocs on the show a couple of weeks ago- they are starting to appear in shops in the UK now but have been very popular in the US for the last few years. They are made from Croslite, a closed cell resin, which makes them very light and also they can be sterilised so are popular with people working in medicine. The sole is orthotically designed (if you look at the picture above on the right you can see the 'footprint' inside. I would recommend them to anyone who needs something light and supportive to wear on their feet. The first pair I got felt too big, but were actually the right size if you go by the instructions. They are supposed to have a very loose fit, with the sides of your foot and your toes not actually making contact with the shoe- but this felt very odd and when I spoke to Karen at the Crocshop she said lots of people have found the same thing, and actually feel better wearing a smaller size- maybe we just need that bit of restriction over here -we're not so happy to 'hang loose'...?!
Anyway, the smaller size is just right and I am looking forward to getting lost of wear out of them over the Summer.
Check this out! Thanks to Kerra Mitchell (who has been doing work experience at Resonance FM) for this link:
Shoes made from a computer keyboard!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Programme 12: Walk a Mile in My Shoes ~ Bedwyr Williams at Beck Futures, ICA
My Nieces Emily and Charlotte agreed to act as 'guineapigs' and went along to the ICA Beck Futures show with me to have a look at Bedwyr Williams's installation Walk a Mile in My Shoes. The installation was born from the difficulties Bedwyr has experienced in being able to find shoes to fit his size 13 feet. We spent some time trying on some of the various shoes on display- everything from golfing shoes to Elvis boots!
This is what Bedwyr says: “This work is about an aspect of my life that has ruined walking trips, beach holidays, weddings and football games. I have size 13 feet. Since I was 18 I have struggled with shoe availability. The choice in my size is limited. You see a shoe that you like and when the mini-foot shop assistant brings it out in a size 13 it is a strange stretched version of the smaller, original shoe. Each of the 40+ shoes in the piece have been tracked down, none were bought off the shelf. Walk a mile in my shoes is an invitation to share a little of my ongoing shoe struggle. Try them on you’ll grow into them.”

Emily trying on some Nike trainers because she said they were a bit 'me'; Charlotte contemplates the installation (or gets comfy on the 'shoe shop' seating...!); Check out those brogues!

Each pair of shoes has a parcel label tied to it which has a story or some information or thoughts relating to them.

Beck’s Futures gives a £20,000 overall award to one artist from the shortlist. This year a public vote will enable visitors to participate in the selection of the award-winner. You will be able to register your views — alongside those of judges Jake and Dinos Chapman, Martin Creed, Cornelia Parker, Yinka Shonibare MBE and Gillian Wearing —at any of the participating venues (ICA, Centre for Contemporary Art in Glasgow, Arnolfini in Bristol) or online at
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Saturday night at Volupte in Norwich Street, Chancery Lane, London. Dinner and dancing with a French themed cabaret and burlesque from Brighton's Vavavavoom. Mel is holding on to my foot, which is encased in a gorgeous Vivienne Westwood shoe! There are two pairs of Vivienne Westwood shoes on display there and we couldn't resist giving them a try...

Saturday, April 08, 2006
I am off to make the next show today-more on this when it is done- but wait til you see the photos I've got! The shoes will confuse and excite, I am sure...
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ok- I've been bad and spent A LOT of money (although we're not talking Miu Miu or Manolo, it is still a lot of 'monola' for me!) on a pair of MBTs. I think they look pretty groovy and I have worn them all day today. They definitely make you stand differntly, and it has been more of an effort to walk (it's supposed to feel like you're walking across sand- and it is like that to an extent). I have been advised not to wear them every day as apparently I need to break myself in gently- a bit like you do when you go to the gym...?? I wouldn't know as I don't go to the gym, so I am going to see if my legs ache when I get up and if they don't I'm going to be wild and crazy and wear them again tomorrow- I am so 'achingly' rock n roll maaan.
More on MBTs to come. I am intending to wear them 3-4 days a week at least and will be reporting on whether I feel I have benefitted from stomping about in them.
Monday, April 03, 2006