Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The debate continues in this excellent feature by Hadley Freeman in todays G2 in The Guardian :
I made two programmes which explored high heels and barely scratched the surface. Apart from the history of the high heel, and the history of the design of the high heel, this is about politics, sex and spirituality- no? Yes.
I will write more about this when I have some time.
I interviewed this gifted and original designer for one of The Shoe Show programmes. She has patented some of the new technologies and materials she uses to make her extraordinary and beautiful couture shoes, and is currently part of the Brit Insurance Designs of the Year show at the Design Museum, showing now until June 14.

Monday, March 09, 2009
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006
I would just like to recommend this marvellous London-based web resource for all those people out there who have a hankering to know what their indie-music-type bands are wearing on their 'plates' whilst treading the golden cobbles or gig-type-venues of our beloved 'Smoke.
Although having said that the picture above- although sporting plenty of beer and fags (oh yes, so rock n roll...) is of one of my shoes. I can no longer claim any band membership or musical type rocknrollness- unless you count the theme tune I recorded for the show...nah...
Cor luv a Duck
Please see Links section for gorgeous Rock n Roll shoe-bee-doos...
Carole Hodgson's Charles Jourdan Shoes
For further info
rmation about Char
les Jourdan and Car
ole Hodgson please the links on the RHS of the page. Thanks Carole!
It all started so innocently, a Saturday afternoon in Bristol, idling away around the kitchen table at Tim and Lou's (or 'Hotel Sultana') with a glass of wine and some cheese and turned to trainers and before we knew it a full-on trainer 'Love-In' developed with trainers from all personages present getting in to it...maaan...
Friday, June 02, 2006
1 February to 1 May 2006
Due to unforeseen circumstances I have had to take a break from all things shoe-related (apart from my own personal day-to-day shoe lustings!) but now I am back.
So much to write about- so much to see - so many shoes to try on, wear, talk about and fall over in!
If you saw my post on MBTs - I have been waering them almost every day since I got them and I DO think they have made a difference to my posture and the muscles in my legs. I have been doing nothing else fitness or diet-related during this time (I last blogged about MBTs on 5th April- so quite a while ago) and have stuck to my usual regime of lots of walking and lots of croissants, coffee, red wine and chocolate. I am NOT recommending this as a way of getting fit or being healthy but only that the only thing that could have made a difference to the shape and improved (slightly) muscle tone and cellulite must be those shoes.
More to come on this- my friend has got a pair and hers came with a DVD so we are going to watch it next week and see if we are walking correctly whilst wearing them, to maximise the benefits.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Below you can see my trusty old New Rock boots, which lace through a hole in the middle of the metal heel and have survived 2 (yes-1997 and 1998) wet and very muddy Glastonbury festivals! Also below are my wosh trainers with the gold wedge heel, the black and white brothel creepers I got from Shelleys for a fiver but are very stiff and therefore very uncomfortable. In the foreground are my Red or Dead suede shoes that I got in 1990 and wore when I saw the Cocteau Twins play at the Town and Country Club in Kentish Town.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
I have now received my crocs from the lovely people at Crocshop and they are VERY comfortable, colourful and cool (and YELLOW!). Please see the links scetion for the Crocshop website. I mentioned Crocs on the show a couple of weeks ago- they are starting to appear in shops in the UK now but have been very popular in the US for the last few years. They are made from Croslite, a closed cell resin, which makes them very light and also they can be sterilised so are popular with people working in medicine. The sole is orthotically designed (if you look at the picture above on the right you can see the 'footprint' inside. I would recommend them to anyone who needs something light and supportive to wear on their feet. The first pair I got felt too big, but were actually the right size if you go by the instructions. They are supposed to have a very loose fit, with the sides of your foot and your toes not actually making contact with the shoe- but this felt very odd and when I spoke to Karen at the Crocshop she said lots of people have found the same thing, and actually feel better wearing a smaller size- maybe we just need that bit of restriction over here -we're not so happy to 'hang loose'...?!
Anyway, the smaller size is just right and I am looking forward to getting lost of wear out of them over the Summer.
Check this out! Thanks to Kerra Mitchell (who has been doing work experience at Resonance FM) for this link:
Shoes made from a computer keyboard!